[Fair Review]
No.90 / 2022.06.21
No.89 / 2021.10.12
No.88 / 2022.02.09
[Fair Review]
No.87 / 2022.01.26
[Fair Review]
No.86 / 2022.01.14
No.85 / 2021.10.12
[Fair Review]
No.84 / 2021.10.06
No.83 / 2021.07.05
[Fair Review]
No.82 / 2021.06.10
No.81 / 2021.03.15
[Fair Review]
No.80 / 2021.02.23
No.79 / 2021.01.04
No.78 / 2020.09.11
[Fair Review]
No.69 / 2019.07.01
Appree Newsletter vol.11
Appree Newsletter vol.11
No.67 / 2019.04.01
'48th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'48th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.66 / 2019.03.01
'47th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'47th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.65 / 2019.02.01
Appree Newsletter vol.10
Appree Newsletter vol.10
No.64 / 2019.02.01
'46th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'46th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.63 / 2019.01.01
'45th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'45th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.62 / 2018.12.18
Appree Newsletter vol.9
Appree Newsletter vol.9
No.61 / 2018.12.01
'44th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'44th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.60 / 2018.11.01
'43rd Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'43rd Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.59 / 2018.10.01
'42nd Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'42nd Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.58 / 2018.09.01
'41st Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'41st Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.57 / 2018.08.08
Appree Newsletter vol.8
Appree Newsletter vol.8
No.56 / 2018.08.01
'40th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'40th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.55 / 2018.07.01
'39th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'39th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.54 / 2018.06.01
'38th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'38th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.53 / 2018.05.01
'37th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'37th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.52 / 2018.04.01
'36th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'36th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.51 / 2018.03.01
'35th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제35회 어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집'35th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
No.50 / 2018.02.01
'34th Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제34회 어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.49 / 2018.01.01
'33rd Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제33회 어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.48 / 2017.12.01
'32nd Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제32회 어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.47 / 2017.11.01
'31st We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제31회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.46 / 2017.10.01
'30th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제30회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.45 / 2017.09.19
'Appree Calligraphy Membership' complete Exhibition Opening
'어프리캘리멤버십 1기 수료전시회' 전시개최
No.44 / 2017.09.01
'29th We are Appree Writers Best of Best' Applicant recruitment
'제29회 우리는어프리글쟁이 왕중왕전' 글쟁이 모집
'28th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제28회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.42 / 2017.07.28
Appree Calligraphy Membership' Endangered plant funding project
어프리캘리멤버십 1기 멸종위기식물 펀딩 프로젝트
No.41 / 2017.07.03
'27th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제27회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.40 / 2017.06.01
'26th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제26회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.39 / 2017.05.01
'25th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제25회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.38 / 2017.04.01
'24th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제24회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.37 / 2017.03.24
Appree Calligrapher membership one first Recruitment
어프리캘리멤버십 1기 모집
No.36 / 2017.03.01
'23rd We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제23회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.35 / 2017.02.23
Design Stationery Products / Visual Designer Recruitment
디자인문구제품 / 시각디자이너 모집
No.34 / 2017.02.01
'22nd We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제22회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.33 / 2017.01.25
2016 2nd Korea Calligraphy Design Competition Winner Announcement
제2회 한국캘리그라피 디자인 공모전 2016 수상작 발표
No.32 / 2017.01.01
'21st We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제21회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.31 / 2016.12.10
2016 2nd Korea Calligraphy Design Competition
제2회 한국캘리그라피 디자인 공모전 2016
No.30 / 2016.12.02
'20th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제20회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.29 / 2016.11.07
'Write autumn and winter' Calligraphy Exhibition Opening
'가을과 겨울을 쓰다' 캘리그라피 전시개최
No.28 / 2016.11.04
'19th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제19회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 프로젝트 글쟁이 모집
No.27 / 2016.10.31
Exhibition Applicant calligrapher recruitment
<가을과 겨울을 쓰다> 전시 참여작가 모집
No.26 / 2016.10.05
'18th We are Appree Writers Best of Best' Applicant recruitment
'제18회 우리는어프리글쟁이 왕중왕전' 글쟁이 모집
No.25 / 2016.09.01
'3rd We are Appree Illustrator' Applicant recruitment
'제3회 우리는어프리그림쟁이' 그림쟁이 모집
No.24 / 2016.08.01
'17th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제17회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 글쟁이 모집
No.23 / 2016.07.12
Leaf Magnet Collection , Makers with kakao launching
리프마그넷 컬렉션, 메이커스 위드 카카오 런칭
No.22 / 2016.07.01
'16th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제16회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 글쟁이 모집
No.21 / 2016.06.01
'2nd We are Appree Illustrator' Applicant recruitment
'제2회 우리는어프리그림쟁이' 그림쟁이 모집
No.20 / 2016.05.02
'15th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제15회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 글쟁이 모집
No.19 / 2016.04.29
Sticky Leaf series, carnation 10x10 event
스티키리프 시리즈, 카네이션 10X10 이벤트
No.18 / 2016.04.22
Sticky Leaf series, carnation new product launching
스티키리프 시리즈, 카네이션 신제품 런칭
No.17 / 2016.04.01
'14th We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제14회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 글쟁이 모집
No.16 / 2016.03.25
University Life Fair 'Univexpo' product support and sponsorship
대학생활 박람회 '유니브엑스포' 상품후원 및 협찬
No.15 / 2016.03.02
'1st We are Appree Illustrator' Applicant recruitment
'제1회 우리는어프리그림쟁이' 그림쟁이 모집
No.14 / 2016.02.11
마음을 사로잡은 디자인 문구 / Korea
한장, 두장, 세장...어느새 숲이 되었다.
No.13 / 2016.02.01
'13rd We are Appree Writers' Applicant recruitment
'제13회 우리는어프리글쟁이' 글쟁이 모집
No.12 / 2015.09.21
2015 1st Korea Calligraphy Design Competition
제1회 한국캘리그라피 디자인 공모전 2015
No.11 / 2012.07.13
Maison de Objet at O12, HALL 6, 07-1 September, 2012 at Paris, France
No.10 / 2012.06.20
디자인문구제품 / 시각디자이너 모집 (채용완료)
No.09 / 2012.04.30
힛트500 무료체험단이벤트, 서울중소기업진행공단 (이벤트완료)
No.08 / 2011.12.12
Maison de Objet at H26, HALL 6, 20-24 January, 2012 at Paris, France
No.07 / 2011.11.02
Viva Magazine, December, 2011, France
No.06 / 2011.11.07
VMD(Visual Merchandiser) & intern designer
VMD 인턴디자이너 채용공지 (채용완료)
No.05 / 2011.11.02
JJ Magazine, November, 2011, Korea
No.04 / 2011.10.28
ELLE decoration, magazine, October, 2011, France
No.03 / 2011.10.21
House Beautiful on October, 2011, USA
No.02 / 2011.06.30
Maison de Objet at H24, HALL 6 from 9th to 13th of september, 2011
프랑스, 파리 2011 메종오브제 전시
No.01 / 2011.04.11
ICFF + Designboom mart
We are going to participate designboom mart at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.