* Oak is the most popular tree in Europe, but not in Asia. The oak is a common symbol of strength and endurance and has been chosen as the national tree of many countries. Oak contributed to the development of world history. Smoked meats are cooked by burning oak leaves which were fed to sailors during geographical discoveries period.
어릴 적에 한 번쯤, 나뭇잎을 말려 책갈피로 만들어 사용하던 추억을 떠올리며 스티키리프를 만들었습니다. 책갈피나 간단한 메모지의 역할 뿐만 아니라 주변 환경을 자연의 모습으로 바꿔주는 장식의 용도로도 활용할 수 있습니다.
* 동양인에게는 낯설지만 유럽에서는 대표적인 나무입니다. 강건함, 용기, 진실을 상징하며 잉글랜드, 독일 등에서 국가의 나무로 지정했습니다. 유럽에서는 고기 훈제를 오크 잎을 태워 만들었고, 대항해시대에 도움을 주는 등 세계사적으로 지대한 영향력을 끼치기도 했습니다.

Sticky Memo Paper, PVC
Size and weight
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ green L (4 Leaves) _ 150 x 200(mm) / 28g
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ green M (2 Leaves) _ 100 x 150(mm) / 14g
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ green S (1 Leaf) _ 70 x 100(mm) / 6g
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ yellow L (4 Leaves) _ 150 x 200(mm) / 28g
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ yellow M (2 Leaves) _ 100 x 150(mm) / 14g
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ yellow S (1 Leaf) _ 70 x 100(mm) / 6g
* Leaf Size _ Large - 53 x 92(mm) / Small - 43 x 72(mm)
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ green L (4 Leaves) _ 20 sheets x 4 leaves (80 sheets)
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ green M (2 Leaves) _ 20 sheets x 2 leaves (40 sheets)
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ green S (1 Leaf) _ 20 sheets
* Count of Sticky Leaf _ green and yellow is same.
Size and weight of inner box (20 unit)
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ green L (4 Leaves) _ 165 x 210 x 60(mm) / 637g
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ green M (2 Leaves) _ 115 x 160 x 60(mm) / 331g
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ green S (1 Leaf) _ 85 x 110 x 60(mm) / 156g
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ yellow L (4 Leaves) _ 165 x 210 x 60(mm) / 637g
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ yellow M (2 Leaves) _ 115 x 160 x 60(mm) / 331g
Sticky Leaf _ oak _ yellow S (1 Leaf) _ 85 x 110 x 60(mm) / 156g
Green, Yellow