Recalling past memories everyone should try make bookmarks with dried leaves at least once as a child, we made the Sticky leaf. It can be used for decoration to refresh atmosphere as well as bookmarking and making some notes.
* Maple leaf stop accepting water and nutrition in fierce winter. The harshness of the weather made to leaves to change colors to red and yellow. Even though it lives in a complicated society, a maple goes on in its own solemn way.
어릴 적에 한 번쯤, 나뭇잎을 말려 책갈피로 만들어 사용하던 추억을 떠올리며 스티키리프를 만들었습니다.책갈피나 간단한 메모지의 역할 뿐만 아니라 주변 환경을 자연의 모습으로 바꿔주는 장식의 용도로도 활용할 수 있습니다.
* 단풍은 식이요법의 결과물입니다. 매서운 겨울을 견디기 위해 물을 끊고 영양공급도 끊고 말없이 자기 수양을 합니다. 그 결과 고통을 참다 보니 잎이 노랑, 빨강으로 바뀌었습니다.단풍나무는 어지러운 세상이지만 묵묵히 자신의 길을 걷습니다.

Sticky Memo Paper, PVC
Size and weight
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ red (3 leaves) _ 150 x 200(mm) / 27g
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ red (1 large leaf) _ 100 x 150(mm) / 12g
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ red (1 small leaf) _ 70 x 100(mm) / 6g
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ red (1 large leaf) _ 100 x 150(mm) / 12g
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ red (1 small leaf) _ 70 x 100(mm) / 6g
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ yellow (3 Leaves) _ 150 x 200(mm) / 28g
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ yellow (1 large leaf) _ 100 x 150(mm) / 13gSticky Leaf _ Maple _ yellow (1 small leaf) _ 70 x 100(mm) / 6g
* Leaf Size _ Large - 92 x 72(mm) / Small - 55 x 58(mm)
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ L (3 Leaves) _ 60 sheets (20 sheets x 3 leaves)
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ M (1 large leaf) _ 20 sheets
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ S (1 small leaf) _ 20 sheets
Size and weight of inner box (20 unit)
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ red (Large 1 Leaf) _ 115 x 160 x 60(mm) / 290g
Sticky Leaf _ Maple _ red (Small 1 Leaf) _ 85 x 110 x 60(mm) / 147g