Recalling past memories everyone should try make bookmarks with dried leaves at least once as a child, we made the Sticky leaf. It can be used for decoration to refresh atmosphere as well as bookmarking and making some notes.
* The birch tree is distributed in high altitudes or cold-climate regions. The bark of tree has a distinct white color. Russia and Finland regard birch as panacea. The birch tree symbolizes that thought, “I’m waiting for you.”

어릴 적에 한 번쯤, 나뭇잎을 말려 책갈피로 만들어 사용하던 추억을 떠올리며 스티키리프를 만들었습니다. 책갈피나 간단한 메모지의 역할 뿐만 아니라 주변 환경을 자연의 모습으로 바꿔주는 장식의 용도로도 활용할 수 있습니다.
* 자작나무는 높은 산악지대나 추운 지방에서 주로 자랍니다. 나무로는 독특하게 하얀 껍질을 갖고 있으며, 러시아와 핀란드에서는 만병통치약으로 쓰입니다. 자작나무는 당신을 기다린다는 애틋함을 내포하고 있기도 합니다.


Sticky Memo Paper, PVC

Size and weight 
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ green L (4 leaves) _ 150 x 200(mm) / 19g
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ green M (2 leaves) _ 100 x 150(mm) / 10g
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ green S (1 large leaf) _ 70 x 100(mm) / 5g

Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ brown L (4 leaves) _ 150 x 200(mm) / 20g
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ brown M (2 leaves) _ 100 x 150(mm) / 10g
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ brown S (1 large leaf) _ 70 x 100(mm) / 6g
* Leaf Size _ Large - 80 x 35(mm) / Small - 55 x 20(mm)

Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ L (4 leaves) _ 80 sheets (20 sheets x 4 leaves)
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ M (2 leaves) _ 40 sheets (20 sheets x 2 leaves)
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ S (1 large leaf) _ 20 sheets

Size and weight of inner box (20 unit)
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ green L (4 leaves) _ 165 x 210 x 60(mm) / 457g
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ green M (2 leaves) _ 115 x 160 x 60(mm) / 241g
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ green S (1 leaf) _ 85 x 110 x 60(mm) / 145g

Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ brown L (4 leaves) _ 165 x 210 x 60(mm) / 471g
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ brown M (2 leaves) _ 115 x 160 x 60(mm) / 246g
Sticky Leaf _ Birch _ brown S (1 leaf) _ 85 x 110 x 60(mm) / 149g

Green, Brown

It can be used the same way with general sticky notes.

At Milano International Furniture Fair 'Salone Satellite' 2009.04