‘Sticky leaf Camellia’ is a sticky note shaped like petal. Camellia flower, which endure cold winter and bloom warm red, symbolize waiting and integrity looking at only one person. As camellia flower got a red bruise by crying and being tired throughout the winter, carve on the petal of camellia flower and convey your secret mind to longing and valuable person.
스티키리프 동백은 꽃잎모양의 점착메모지입니다. 추운 겨울을 버티며 따뜻한 빨강을 피우는 동백꽃은 한 사람만을 바라보는 기다림과 절조를 상징하는 꽃입니다. 겨우내 울다 지쳐 빨갛게 멍이 든 동백꽃과 같이 그립고 소중한 사람에게 말 못할 당신의 마음을 동백꽃잎에 새겨 전해보세요.

Sticky Memo Paper, PVC
Size and weight
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ white L (4 petals) _ 150 x 200(mm) / 28g
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ white M (2 petals) _ 100 x 150(mm) / 14g
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ white S (1 petals) _ 70 x 100(mm) / 9g
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ red L (4 petals) _ 150 x 200(mm) / 28g
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ red M (2 petals) _ 100 x 150(mm) / 14g
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ red S (1 petals) _ 70 x 100(mm) / 9g
* Leaf Size _ Large - 53 x 56(mm) / Small - 28 x 60(mm)
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ white (4 leaves) _ 20 sheets x 4 leaves (80 sheets)
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ white (2 leaves) _ 20 sheets x 2 leaves (40 sheets)
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ white (1 leaf) _ 20 sheets
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ red (4 leaves) _ 20 sheets x 4 leaves (80 sheets)
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ red (2 leaves) _ 20 sheets x 2 leaves (40 sheets)
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ red (1 leaf) _ 20 sheets
Size and weight of inner box (20 unit)
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ white L (4 petals) _ 165 x 210 x 60(mm) / 551g
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ white M (2 petals) _ 115 x 160 x 60(mm) / 288g
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ white S (1 petals) _ 85 x 110 x 60(mm) / 173g
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ red L (4 petals) _ 165 x 210 x 60(mm) / 551g
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ red M (2 petals) _ 115 x 160 x 60(mm) / 288g
Sticky Leaf _ camellia _ red S (1 petals) _ 85 x 110 x 60(mm) / 173g
White, Red


With the realistically expressed surface of the adhesive memo pad, you can feel the texture of the flower petals vividly.
점착메모지 표면을 사실적으로 표현함으로써 꽃잎의 질감을 생생하게 느낄 수 있습니다.

As both flower and petal are enclosed, you can have more various expression and atmosphere.
꽃과 잎이 같이 들어있어, 보다 다양한 표현과 분위기를 연출하실 수 있습니다.